Toxic Journey EP 6 is out on SoundCloud and ITunes! #soundcloud #djzebofficial #toxicjourney #techno #podcast #festivals #djlife #music #mnml #tech #openair #pioneer #livemixtapes Journey EP 6 is out on SoundCloud and ITunes!


If u get a chance to visit LA. You have to Try Yogurtland.
U pic a cup and go to the self serving pumps. Choose any flavor you like and then add candy, fruits, cookies or anything you like.. At the Cashier, you put your cup on the scale and pay by weight.  How cool is that ?

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Iron Man Dine In Show

If you ever go to Los Angeles. Make sure you visit the AMC Theater.
“It’s dinner and a movie, and it’s done right — what could be better than that?”

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We went last night on the Iron Man 3. Well seated in the Full leather seats that can be fully
adjusted to a Bed.  Every seatrow has a personal waiter.

I had some Chicken Fajitas quesadillas (mexican) and one Big Mojito 🙂
And at the same time watching the movie.